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how to fix bootloop xiaomi without losing data

Xiaomi Can't Turn On – Xiaomi is one of the smartphone brands from China that is quite well known today, especially in Indonesia. HP products from Xiaomi are famous for their very cheap prices when compared to HP from other brands. This is the main attraction for users, especially from the lower middle class. Because of the insane price of its products, Xiaomi is often called a market price destroyer brand. Worse yet, because of Xiaomi's madness, it forces big brands like Samsung to present cellphones at low prices so they don't lose prestige.

The low price given by Xiaomi may be practically equivalent to the HP products it presents. Some smartphone observers think that HP from Xiaomi still has many shortcomings in terms of hardware and software. This can be proven by the number of users who experience damage problems on their Xioami smartphones. One of the problems that quite often occurs is a Xiaomi cellphone that can't turn on, even completely dead.

The problem of Xiaomi cellphones that can't turn on like this is certainly very annoying. There are several factors that cause the Xiaomi cellphone to not turn on, be it a factor from the cellphone itself or a user factor. Whatever the cause, what matters here is how to fix the problem. There's no need to rush to an HP repairman, you can try to fix a Xiaomi cellphone that can't turn on itself first.

The Most Common Causes of Xiaomi's HP Not Turning On

As explained above, there are several factors that cause a Xiaomi cellphone to not turn on. And the HP that can't turn on also has different conditions, including:

  • The cellphone screen is off but when it is charged it can still charge.
  • The cellphone screen is off and when it's charging it just vibrates, and the charging display doesn't appear. In this case, the  LED is usually still on or blinking.
  • The cellphone is totally dead and doesn't display any display when it's charging (doesn't come in).
  • The cellphone only stops at the Xiaomi Robot logo, doesn't want to go to Home.

Some of the conditions above are quite often experienced by Xiaomi users. And some of these conditions of course have different causes, including:

  • HP is overheating . Overheat or too hot will cause the HP to hang and even turn off by itself. Usually this happens when the user operates it for a long time, there are even some while charging the cellphone.
  • HP is running out of battery . Maybe because you are too busy playing HP to ignore the battery power. The HP battery is empty and drops, in this condition the cellphone usually won't turn on.
  • HP dropped . Whether dropped into water or a solid surface, these two conditions can cause the HP to die completely.
  • Damage to HP components . Xiaomi cellphones consist of interconnected hardware components. If one of the components is damaged, then this will interfere with HP's performance. Even worse, HP can't be turn on anymore. For example, breakdown to the HP battery.
  • The use of the charger is not original . This is probably what many Xiaomi users often do. And where if this is allowed to continue, it will make android device abnormal, especially the battery dan Procesor.. At an advanced level HP will not function as usual, it could even die completely.
  • Android system error . And the last cause that occurs in the android system or software, where if an error or bug occurs, it will cause the cellphone to not function or even die completely.

After knowing some of the causes above, now proceed to easy ways to solve Xiaomi smartphones that can't be turned on, including:

1. Long Pressing the Power Button

The first way to solve a dead Xioami cellphone is to press the Power button for some time. This method can be done if the HP turns itself off when you operate it. Maybe in this case the cellphone is overheating or it's too hot or it could be because the cellphone is dropping because it's running out of battery.

To fix this you plug the charger into the cellphone and make sure the cellphone is charging. Wait a while, then you press the Power button on the Xiaomi cellphone for a while until the cellphone vibrates and enters booting. Usually the cellphone will turn on again and leave it until the battery is fully charged.

2. Charge the Battery

The second trick is to charge the cellphone until the battery is full. Do the charging for approximately 1 to 2 hours, depending on the type of Xiaomi cellphone you have. If it is full, try turning on the cellphone by pressing the Power button for a few seconds until the cellphone turns on.

You can do this method if your cellphone is dead but can still charge it. This condition may occur because the HP battery runs out. It could also be due to using an unoriginal charger too often, causing an error in the battery and HP components.

3. Silence the Xiaomi cellphone

If the two methods above still have not succeeded in overcoming a completely dead Xiaomi cellphone, then this third method can be used as an alternative. This method can be done for cellphones that are dead and can still charge when charging. However, long pressing the Power button can't turn it on.

The trick is to remove all removable components on a Xiaomi cellphone, such as the battery, SIM card, and SD Card. For Xiaomi cellphones with built-in batteries, you need to remove the back case of the cellphone first and simply remove the battery cable that is plugged into the socket.

If everything has been removed, you leave the cellphone for a while, it can be 10 minutes to 1 or 2 hours depending on your needs. Now you reinstall the HP components that were removed earlier, then try to turn on the cellphone again by pressing the Power button. Usually the Xiaomi cellphone will turn on and be normal again.

4. Replacing HP Chargers

The cellphone that doesn't turn on may be because the cellphone charger you are using is not working or is damaged. For this one problem, you can try charging your Xiaomi cellphone using another charger. Make sure the charger you use is an original charger according to the type of Xiaomi cellphone you have.

Do charging for 2 to 3 hours, depending on the condition of the cellphone. If the battery is full, now remove the charger and turn on the Xiaomi cellphone again. You can apply this method if the cellphone is completely dead but can still charge the battery.

5. Replacing the HP Battery

Another possibility is that the Xiaomi cellphone is dead and cannot turn on due to an error or damaged battery. HP batteries are the same as other components, where they too can be damaged. Signs of a problematic HP battery are that when charging, the battery is full quickly and when used for a while, the cellphone will immediately die because it runs out of power. Several other signs are also common and it is not known what causes them.

The best solution is to replace the Xiaomi battery with a new battery. Make sure you use the same battery and match the type of Xiaomi cellphone. If it is true that the main problem is in the battery, this way the cellphone will immediately turn on again.

6. Factory Reset HP Xiaomi

For the 6th method, this is specifically done if the cellphone is just stuck on the Mi logo and doesn't want to enter Home. To reset the Xiaomi cellphone, namely:

  • Turn off the Xiaomi cellphone that stops at the Mi logo display for a while by pressing the Power button for a few moments .
  • Then turn it on again by pressing and holding the Power + Volume Up + Volume Down buttons simultaneously until the cellphone vibrates and the display appears on the screen.
  • You will be taken to the Recovery Mode page . Next navigate to the Wipe & Reset option . To navigate the options you can use the Volume buttons and for execution use the Power button .
  • Then select the Wipe All Data option , then select Yes . Wait until the reset process is complete.
  • If so, then you select the Reboot System Now option . Later the HP will turn on again.


Those were some of the ways to overcome the Xiaomi cellphone not turning on and some of the factors that caused it. Don't forget to share this information on your personal social media accounts.

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