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SkillGro v1.7.0 - Course & Learning Management System Laravel Script (LMS) Nulled

Tentang SkillGro Skillgro adalah Sistem Manajemen Pembelajaran (LMS) komprehensif yang dirancang khusus untuk instruktur dan pendidik. Sistem ini memungkinkan pendidik untuk membuat, mengelola, dan menjual kursus daring mereka. Skillgro menyediakan platform yang mudah digunakan untuk menawarkan kursus daring yang interaktif. Dirancang dengan mempertimbangkan kebutuhan pendidikan di dunia nyata, Skillgro dilengkapi dengan berbagai fitur untuk mendukung pertumbuhan bisnis pendidikan daring Anda hanya dalam beberapa jam. Dikembangkan menggunakan kerangka kerja Laravel PHP, Skillgro menjamin keamanan yang kuat, melindungi dari injeksi SQL, serangan XSS, dan serangan CSRF, memastikan lingkungan belajar yang aman dan andal.

SkillGro – Course & Learning Management System Laravel Script Key Features
Laravel 10 is used as framework
Bootstrap 5 is used in Frontend design
User friendly codes and easy to navigate
Eye-catching and fully responsive design
Strong security of codes
8 home pages
Course builder
Drag and drop course curriculum builder
Certificate builder
Advance ajax course filter
Course lesson player
Multiple payment gateways
Instructor payout module
Separate dashboards for each Admin, Instructor and Student
Coupon module
Site color changing option
RTL support
Language change option
Currency change option
Script version auto update feature
Supports video, live, and text courses
Zoom & Jitsi support for live sessions.
Admin Features
Secure admin panel
Course Module
Drag and drop course curriculum builder
Course review management
Courses support uploading files in video, PDF, TXT, and DOCX formats.
Certificate builder
Instructor badge management
Coupon Management
Instructor payout module
Instructor request management
Student management module
Instructor management module
User ban management module
Bulk mail sending module
Location management
Payment gateway management
Payout method management
Multi language management
Advance auto language translation module
Multi Currency management
Site theme management
Site Section on/off module
Site color changing module
Home page management
Brand management
Drag and drop menu builder
Page builder
Footer management
FAQ management
Admin management
SEO Settings
Maintenance mode management
SMTP server mail
Email configuration and template setting
Cookie Consent option
Google Recaptcha option
Google Analytics option
Tawk Live Chat option
Wasabi cloud storage
Amazon S3 cloud storage
Facebook pixel option
Login with social media(gmail)
General Setting management
Multi admin creation possible
Role and permission management
Clear database option to start the website as fresh installation
Cache Clear option
FAQ create, edit and delete option
About Page management
Language change option for front end and back end with RTL Support
Subscriber manage with email to subscribers option
Profile information, photo, password change option
Forget and reset password option
Blog Category create, edit and delete option
Blog create, edit and delete option
Manage Blog Comments
Manage social links
Testimonial Management
Contact message management
Admin Dashboard search feature added
Custom CSS code input feature
Custom JavaScript code input feature
Instructor KYC verification
And many more…
Instructor Features
100% responsive design
Login system
Became a Instructor option
Instructor Dashboard
Dynamic analytics in dashboard
Course management module
Create a live lesson using the Jitsi meeting platform
Create a live lesson using the Zoom meeting platform
Drag and drop course curriculum builder
Course Announcement module
Wasabi cloud storage
Amazon S3 cloud storage
Courses support uploading files in video, PDF, TXT, and DOCX formats.
Course Q&A management system.
Payout request module
My sales module
Instructor Profile management
Payout account management
Education & experience management
Social links management
Location management
Mail and password change option
KYC verification
and more…
Student Features
100% responsive design
Login system
Registration system with mail verification
Cart system
Student can apply for become an instructor
Student Dashboard
Dynamic analytics on dashboard
Order history
Course video player
My review module
Enrollment history
Quiz Attempt history
Profile management
Social links management
Location management
Mail and password change option
Support Zoom and Jitsi meetings for live sessions
and more…
Payment Methods
Bank Payment
Skillgro – Course & Learning Management System Laravel Script (LMS) Requirements:
You will need to make sure your server meets the following requirements:

PHP >= 8.1
BCMath PHP Extension
Ctype PHP Extension
Fileinfo PHP extension
JSON PHP Extension
Mbstring PHP Extension
OpenSSL PHP Extension
PDO PHP Extension
Tokenizer PHP Extension
XML PHP Extension

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Info! This file has UNTOUCHED status - (original developer code without any tampering done

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